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Masterclass in management of lumbar and cervical Radiculopathy

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Masterclass in management of lumbar and cervical Radiculopathy

31.08.2017 - 01.09.2017


The Mckenzie Institute International, announces a new Masterclass
MDT Management of Radiculopathy


Faculty: Dr Helen Clare, PhD, PT Dip MDT or Hans van Helvoirt, M.A., Dip MDT

In coorperation with; Prof.Dr. Nik Bogduk, Prof. Dr. Todd Wetzel & Dr. Michiel Schepers


The main focus of the Masterclass is to cover the total management of  both lumbar and cervical Radiculopathy including Mechanically Unreponsive Radiculopathies (MUR)

From consevative, to minimal invasive, to surgery, and the role of the MDT therapist in the different phases of this management.

Topics which will be covered: natural history of radiculopathy , conservative treatment according to MDT in the acute, subacute and chronic phase Differential diagnosis: MUR vs. bony lateral stensosis vs. central stenosis, MDT management in combination with (transforaminal) epidural injections, timing of MRI/CT,surgery indications and post-OP management.

Interactive teaching will be used: Group discussion, case studies, patient demonstrations, partical technique sessions, powerpoint and video presentations

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Dato & tid


Fit & Sund Egå
Ådalsvej 27, Risskov


Medelemmer: 2600 kr
Ikke-medlemmer: 3000 kr

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27 Pladser

Mere Information

The Mckenzie Institute International, announces organizes a brand new Masterclass
MDT Management of Radiculopathy
- about treatment of Mechanical Unresponsive Radiculopathy (MUR).

Faculty: Dr Helen Clare, PhD, PT Ddip MDT/MT or Hans van Helvoirt, M.A., Ddip MDT/MT
In coorperation with; Prof.Dr. Nik Bogduk
Prof. Dr. Todd Wetzel
Dr. Michiel Schepers

The main focus of the Masterclass is to cover the total management of both lumbar and cervical Radiculopathy including Mechanically Unreponsive Radiculopathies (MUR)
From consevative, to minimal invasive, to surgery, and the role of the MDT therapist in the different phases of this management.
Topics which will be covered: natural history of radiculopathy MUR, cConservative treatment according to MDT in the acute, subacute and chronic phase and this for both Lumbar as Cervical MUR. Differential diagnosis: MUR vs. Bony lateral stensosis vs. central stenosis, practical technique sessions, MDT management in combination with (transforaminal) epidural injections, timing of MRI/CT,surgery indications and post-OP management.

Interactive teaching will be used: Group discussion, case studies, patient demonstrations, partical technique sessions, powerpoint and video presentations.

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Fit & Sund Egå


Fit & Sund Egå
Ådalsvej 27, Risskov