Is it appropriate for me?

Self-assessment for Spinal Pain

  • Are there periods in the day when you have no pain? Even 10 minutes?
  • Is the pain confined to areas above the knee or above your elbow?
  • Have you had more than one episode of low back pain or neck pain over the past few months or years?
  • Do you feel worse during or immediately after prolonged bending or stooping; as in making beds, vacuuming, gardening, concreting, etc?
  • Do you feel worse when sitting for prolonged periods or on rising from the sitting position? ie after watching TV or working on the computer?
  • Do you associate your pain with any one particular activity but are generally pain free when not engaged in this activity?
  • Do you feel worse when inactive and better when on the move?
  • Does your low back feel better when lying face down? (You may feel worse for a minute before the pain subsides, in that case the answer to this question is yes).
  • Does your low back pain feel better when you are walking?

If you have answered yes to more than 4 questions, your chances of gaining benefit from The McKenzie Method® is very good. If you answered yes to 3 or less questions you may require specialised assessment and treatment and you should contact a clinician trained in the McKenzie Method® or a medical professional.

If you have any of the following:

  • Sciatica
  • Arthritic pain in hips or buttocks, shoulders or upper arms
  • Difficulty bending due to stiffness or pain in your lower back
  • Pain that starts in the back or neck and seems to spread to the buttocks or shoulders
  • Intermittent pins and needles or numbness in the feet or hands
  • Aching pain into the elbows or knees that hasn't been assisted by treatment to these areas

Then you are likely to be assisted by a trained McKenzie clinician. They are trained to assess and diagnose all areas of the "musculo-skeletal" system. MDT clinicians are trained to assess your problem and help you understand how you may be able to help yourself to improve your pain, stiffness or ability to do your work or daily activities.